I'm sorry to not be able to give you more notice.. We saw the dr. on Tuesday and while we're expecting for Don to have at least one round of radiation, it won't be starting next week. So, as he's been in the barn turning wood, we're going to be having an update on Tuesday the 19th of November..... We may not have as many items as usual, but they are really nice. I've included several of them in the picture on the right.. We hope you can join us..... you will simply click on the update logo below to go directly to the sale.

email: pagaddy@att.net
To our friends, I'm very sorry to say that our regular updates have come to an end. Don is dealing with a serious health issue and all of our time is spent on that.. Once things settle down and Don feels like it, I know he'll want to go out to the barn and turn a few things. So we'll be having one or two sales a year as his health permits. I'll post the date here as always... You've been such kind, loyal folks, you're like family to us.. If there is something you've been waiting for us to make, and you're in no hurry, just drop me an email and if the wood is available, he'll make it for you.. we'd sure appreciate your prayers. Thank you, with love, Pat
A few Fall Pictures

Don has been turning wood for 18 years. Our goal is to make 18th century style pieces as economical as we can. Don does the turning and I do the finishing, again striving for a 200 year worn finish. We also offer early style folkart paintings. I sell my paintings in as early a frame as I can find. Until recently, we have sold through PictureTrail but unfortunately that venue is ending. This is our first website and we fully expect to learn as we go.
We live in a small lake community in northeastern Oklahoma. We have one grown daughter, three grandsons, one great grandson and two great granddaughters. We've known a lot of you for many years and are looking forward to making new friends also. Thank you for visiting us! Pat

This is Westie, our youngest grandson. He has a nasty rope burn on his cheek. It's healing pretty well now. A lot of you have watched him grow up ..

This is Colt, our first grandson and Kaden our first great grandson.....

This is Remi Jo, our 3rd great grandchild . On Halloween night, she was a Dalmation puppy, This is our little surprise baby, she was born in April and is such a little sweetheart.

Here's our baby girl. She will be 5 mos old on the 6th. Seems like it's going so fast. This is such a cute age. She laughs at everything. She's pretty sober here,I think she's wondering what's on her face

This is at a rodeo the other night, Westie and his cute little friend... Thought you might enjoy seeing him and how he's grown. He was 4 when I started my PictureTrail..
This is Raelyn and her Uncle Westie, Raelynn and Remi are only 15 mos apart. Their momma sure has her hands full.